Archive for March, 2011

Back to Work (From Home)

Mar 14 2011 Published by under Raistlin's story

I’m finally able to get through the day (and night) without pain medications and it seems like I’m able to stay on focus longer after the long talk with Kirk yesterday morning – which exposed a lot of communication issues between us (you can read about it here), so I decided to start working again (remotely from home)

First day back at work with daylight savings time and expired password. Not a great start. Other than that, it’s a very quite and peaceful Monday morning in the house with only the humming sound from the refrigerator, a distant sound of neighbor’s dog barking and birds chirping.

Let’s hope this continue for the rest of the week. Kirk’s doctor appointment is on Wednesday to remove the staples and a post surgery follow up. Crossing my fingers on that.

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