Archive for October, 2012

Voices in My Head

Oct 14 2012 Published by under Bebe

Dear Bebe,

In the last 3 days, every time I went down stairs, there was always this tiny voice in my head that warned/told me that I’m going to slip and fall. And every time I heard that voice I always switched my focus to the stairs.

Yesterday the voice didn’t occur or I wasn’t paying attention to it. I was carrying stuff that blocked my vision from the stairs as I went down to the garage. As a result, I missed the last step, twisted my right ankle (my weakest ankle), then twisted my left ankle before I finally braced myself with both hands and ended up in a kneeling position.

I was shaky, Daddy went panicked, and I stayed in that position calming myself from the shock and making sure my belly didn’t get squished.

Soon after, I felt you kicked my belly. That was enough encouragement and I know you we’re okay. Slowly, I moved my right leg, making sure nothing is broken. Then I moved my left leg and sat on the floor, dragging myself to sit on the stair.

I felt your kicks again for several times as if you’re making sure I was alright. Thank you sweet little Bebe, for giving me peace in my mind 🙂

Daddy helped me get up and as I was limping slowly to the car, I knew I had twisted both ankles but nothing such as sharp pain, so I didn’t break anything. Thank God for the boots and thanks God I only missed the last step. I shivered to think of what might happen should I fell midway down!

Now I have two swollen feet and 10 swollen toes. I hope they subside by Thursday. I need them to drive for my doctor appointment on Wednesday.

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