Archive for the 'Bebe' Category

14 Weeks – 1 Week After The Cerclage

Sep 06 2012 Published by under Bebe

1 week after the cerclage and I’m now entering the 2nd trimester. 14 weeks and 4 days.

People said it’s the happy trimester. It’s not for me. 2nd trimester brought me sad memories. Memories of pprom and losing my first born son.

So now I’m more fidgety than ever. Obsessing whether or not Bebe is okay in there, especially since I haven’t gained any weight since last week despite of lack of exercising and continuous eating. I don’t know if the spotting is from the surgery or miscarriage. Also I’m constantly trying to remember the heavy feeling that indicates opening in the internal OS.

One more week until my next appointment. My little hope relies on the absence of cramping and that the bleeding has finally stopped. How I wish I could feel Bebe kicking to ease my mind.

One good news though: my MaterniT21 result is out and my baby’s risk for down syndrome went from 1:68 to 1:49,580!

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