Archive for the 'Bebe' Category

Short Cervix

Aug 09 2012 Published by under Bebe

Yesterday I went to see my perinatologist to check my cervix, genetic test and schedule a cerclage. I got to see my little kumquat (bonus!) bouncing around (already?) with a strong heartbeat of 177 bpm.

All was good and happy until they saw that my cervix measured 2 cm from the ultrasound. So Dr. Gray decided to go inside and feel it herself. She murmured something about I almost has no cervix at all and then followed by performing a shirodkar because she could only feel about 1 cm.

The room turned heavy all of the sudden. I could see her churning in her thoughts of ways to help me and tried to sidetrack me to focus on genetic test first. I was pretty much devastated with the fact that I have no cervix left already at 10 weeks. I went home with clouded mind.

Half an hour later, she called me and told me what she thinks as a much better plan. She proposed to wait for NT scan and maternity 21 test for trisomy and she will call my oBGYN to discuss about getting me a transabdominal/permanent cerclage (TAC).

I’ve heard many good things about it, so I am quite excited that she told me about that. Now back to waiting time…

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