Archive for the 'Bebe' Category


Jun 25 2012 Published by under Bebe

Today is 15 dpo.

And I am nothing but a bunch of nerve balls. I wish there is a cure for paranoia.

This next stage of TTC after finding out you’re pregnant is another 2 week wait. Waiting for the confirmation of pregnancy viability. They don’t consider it viable until they can hear the heartbeat at 6 week gestational age.

Of course, I have been diagnosed with a tilted uterus, so my 2ww for the heartbeat may get extended to another 2ww because they may not be able to see or hear anything.

Right now, day and night, I couldn’t stop myself from observing the BBT and symptoms. “Do my breasts still tender and heavy? Why am I not urinating as often as yesterday? I lost my appetite!” It’s silly I know, but it came like the floodgate has been opened. I am haunted by both my miscarriages at 4 weeks last October and blighted ovum in 2007.

I wish I could see what’s going on inside me so I can put myself at peace and enjoy this pregnancy rather than being a worrywart.

Maybe calling my doctor to set an appointment will make me feel better…

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