Archive for the 'Bebe' Category

12DPO and BFP

Jun 22 2012 Published by under Bebe

It’s been over a year since I was conceived with Raistlin. I started to lose hope and I thought I’d never see the BFP on the HPT ever again. But today, 12DPO in this cycle and 9 sessions of acupuncture, I finally got my BFP almost immediately. 🙂


It sure looks like the moon and stars have finally aligned for me. I feel like I’m in cloud nine. I thank the Lord for giving me this miracle 🙂

I thought it was weird when I couldn’t stop thinking of items to decorate for kids room at Comic Con, now I’m glad that I bought Katie Cook’s artwork. I need to frame them and hang them on the wall for the nursery.

I can’t stop smiling. My BBT stays stable 97.9 for the past 3 days. I’d like it to climb higher but as long as it doesn’t go down, I’m fine with it.

Crossing my fingers for another week of high BBT and Hoping this is not turning into a chemical pregnancy because it’ll be just too cruel.

Stay positive…Stay positive…

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