Archive for the 'New Beginning' Category

Master Cleansing Day 1

Mar 18 2012 Published by under New Beginning

My hormones are definitely on strike and not cooperating. No ovulation and stagnant low BBT below 97F. Yay me!

I decided to detoxify myself and see if that will improve my condition. My husband and I are trying this cleansing method called Master Cleanse. It consists of drinking 32oz of salt water every morning, 6-12 glasses of fresh squeezed lemonade and water for 10 straight days.

Drinking the sea water was plain nasty and 32oz of sea water was just the nastiest thing I’ve ever swallowed. In short today was the first and last time we did the cleanse. Yeah we are weak blah blah blah but I think I can purify my body with good diet and exercise 🙂

Now back to getting my hormones in check. I’m so badly want to be pregnant and the time is not my friend 🙁

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