Archive for the 'New Beginning' Category

My Plea

Feb 29 2012 Published by under New Beginning

Dear God, please hear my plea. Bless us with another chance to conceive and raise Your most beautiful creation. Amen.

I am a believer of natural remedies and not so much on artificial stuff, such as Clomid. So I did a research on pinpointing my problem of semi regular period and ovulation. Why did I say semi regular? It’s because I have this pattern of short cycle of 26-28 days one month and followed by long cycle of 31-35 the following month and it continues to alternate like that after my miscarriage in November.

I found articles about Vitex and Red Clover and I thought I’d give it a try. In the beginning it was good. It gave me the CM that I rarely have. But the week I should ovulate (by statistic prediction), I had to travel to Jakarta and back. So not only I couldn’t take my supplements, I also couldn’t take my BBT because time zone changes, sleep interruptions and stress.

True enough, I came back and I didn’t see any changes in my BBT. It stays between 96.5 – 97.05 with majority of 96.93. So disappointing and frustrating.

Now I am on CD 29 with no ovulation and not knowing when I will get my period. Was I wrong to take Vitex and Red Clover? I am so ready to just throw everything to the trash and stop trying. It’s so painful to know that I am constantly failing on this. I can’t even look at my Facebook anymore. Too many happy posts about my friends’ newborns and pregnancy. I feel like I am in hell watching them playing on the heavenly clouds.

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