Archive for the 'New Beginning' Category


Feb 01 2012 Published by under New Beginning

We started the year with new hope and it seemed to be getting better when we actually got a + on the OPK. Something that’s rare for me to see in person. I always missed it for some reason.

Days went by and my BBT went wacky thanks to the cold, so I couldn’t tell if the rise after 3dpo is really good rise or just a fever. I had cramping on 5, 6, and 7dpo, yet the bbt plummeted down so either it was a fever or implantation dip. BBT raised again, but when I did the test on 10 and 11dpo HPT said negative 🙁

Today is my 12dpo. BBT dropped drastically and I’m still getting BFN. I am positive that I am out. I am heartbroken. All the signs were so positive and yet it turned 180 degrees to the worst.

Dark cloud, why are you still lurking behind me. Please go away!

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