Archive for the 'New Beginning' Category

Total Failure

Oct 09 2011 Published by under New Beginning

October 2011…

is the month when we found out that we were pregnant…

is the month when I got laid off for the first time in my life…

is the month when the world known visionary, Steve Jobs, passed away…

is the month when we also found out that my pregnancy didn’t make it past 4 weeks…

October 2011…

you suck. You are the worst month and year in my life.

I used to believe number 11 is my lucky number. Has your magic worn off? Somebody please take this dark cloud away from my life.  “Three strikes and you’re out”, isn’t that the rule? Its lightning bold of misery has struck three times. So please cut me and my husband some slack. We deserve to feel the warmth of the sun and clear blue sky.

Thank you.


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