Archive for the 'New Beginning' Category

Could This Be True?

Sep 26 2011 Published by under New Beginning

In my last blog entry, I mentioned our blooming blood orange tree as a good sign from God. It’s been 32 days since my LMP and my BBT has been within a narrow range of 97.8 – 98.4F for 7 days now.

I honestly didn’t think that I ovulated considering my BBT was inconsistently up and down after I stopped taking the pill. But late last week, I felt something weird. I felt like my sense of smell has become heightened since Saturday. I could literally smell the slice of lime that’s in the kitchen from the bedroom. This morning, I took the test strip and it showed 2 pink lines. I stared at it dumbfounded, and then the thoughts started rushing into my head: happiness, freaking out, smiled one second and frowned another second.

I decided to take this calmly and take another test in 2 days after today. Coincidentally, I have my preconception consultation scheduled this coming Wednesday. I also had the thought “what if I got pregnant before I see her?”. Hmmm…

Anyway, if the test is positive again on Wednesday morning, maybe I’ll ask for a blood test. But for now all I can do is crossing my fingers and locking this event deep down inside.

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