Archive for the 'New Beginning' Category

The Blood Orange Tree is Blooming

Aug 26 2011 Published by under New Beginning

Blood Orange tiny blooms

Blood Orange tiny blooms

My 6 month post partum is approaching. I’m on my last birth control pills. I am anxious, no make that super anxious mixed with paranoia. Every time my mind crosses with that thought, I have butterflies in my stomach. Oh how I missed being pregnant, to have a living, growing being in me. I missed those little kicks and turnings. I missed talking to him and humming him songs. But I can’t deny I’m also very scared about experiencing yet another inconclusive pregnancy and failures.

Today  I saw two tiny blooms perk out on both my Kumquat and Moro Blood Orange trees. I bought these citrus trees about three months ago. When I opened the package, a branch with two baby blood oranges fell to the floor. The farmer broke the branch with baby oranges  and ripped it from the main branch for the sake of shipping it. This tree shares the same experience as mine. We both carried our babies only to be ripped apart from us before their time. And its already starting its production cycle again. Both trees are blooming.

Is this a sign? A good sign? An approval that it is the time to start building a family again?

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