Happy Birthday!
It was one year ago
When you came out to this world
Untimely and unexpected
But we did that to save your life
I was not able to touch or cuddle you
Because you were inside the glass box
But as I watch you breathe and move your limbs
I said to myself how beautiful you are
It was the most wonderful moment of my life
Alas it only lasted for 28 hours
Your condition turned for the worst
I was forced to make the worst decision in my life
To let you go
When I was finally able to touch you
Hug and give you kisses
It was for a good bye
My son
Today is one year since our meeting
How I wish I could be with you
Kiss you and hug you
And say”Happy Birthday” to you
While looking into your happy face
And listening to your coos and laughter
How I wish I could be with you
But you are far away in heaven
I can only send my hugs and kisses in my whispers
Hoping you could hear me
And know how much I love you and miss you
Happy Birthday, my dear son