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Day 60

Feb 24 2015 Published by under Uncategorized

My last visit was not really promising. It was actually rather depressing seeing the gestational sac shrunk and there was only a yolk sac and fetal pole with no heartbeat, and measured only 5 weeks. Based on LMP, I was supposed to be 7w 3d, so it’s very concerning. They took my blood for HCG quant again and several days later the result came and my HCG was 9800. It didn’t double from last week’s count (7073).

The positive side: my doctor said there was no yolk sac/embryo 2 visits ago, so the embryo is growing and measured normal as a 5w embryo. But with my HCG not doubling, it could mean the growth has stopped.

Today, day 60, I still experience symptoms sans the morning sickness. No bleeding, no cramping whatsoever. I have my next ultrasound tomorrow to confirm where this is going. I have to say, first trimester is the worst part of pregnancy.

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