My Plea

Feb 29 2012

Dear God, please hear my plea. Bless us with another chance to conceive and raise Your most beautiful creation. Amen.

I am a believer of natural remedies and not so much on artificial stuff, such as Clomid. So I did a research on pinpointing my problem of semi regular period and ovulation. Why did I say semi regular? It’s because I have this pattern of short cycle of 26-28 days one month and followed by long cycle of 31-35 the following month and it continues to alternate like that after my miscarriage in November.

I found articles about Vitex and Red Clover and I thought I’d give it a try. In the beginning it was good. It gave me the CM that I rarely have. But the week I should ovulate (by statistic prediction), I had to travel to Jakarta and back. So not only I couldn’t take my supplements, I also couldn’t take my BBT because time zone changes, sleep interruptions and stress.

True enough, I came back and I didn’t see any changes in my BBT. It stays between 96.5 – 97.05 with majority of 96.93. So disappointing and frustrating.

Now I am on CD 29 with no ovulation and not knowing when I will get my period. Was I wrong to take Vitex and Red Clover? I am so ready to just throw everything to the trash and stop trying. It’s so painful to know that I am constantly failing on this. I can’t even look at my Facebook anymore. Too many happy posts about my friends’ newborns and pregnancy. I feel like I am in hell watching them playing on the heavenly clouds.

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