13 weeks and Shirodkar Cerclage

Sep 01 2012

I’ve been delaying posting my 13 week because there were a lot of things that happened.

I had a shirodkar cerclage done 2 days ago. I went in the morning for a pre-op and saw Bebe again with my husband.

Bebe was camera shy as he bounced and showed us his beautiful spine line. The nurse tried to peek the gender, but it’s hard to see with my previous c-section scar was in the way. When the nurse check the heartbeat, she said it’s 160, so it could be a girl. Hmmm…However, my husband swore that he saw a nub down there. LOL. The battle of gender prediction has begun!

Then we went off to the OR. They were quite back up so I went in a bit late. Got my IV in (painfully) and we sat there waiting for the anesthetist to come and wheel me into the OR.

Finally at 2 pm, they took me in and transferred me to the OR bed to administer the spinal. My spine didn’t get numb very fast, as I could still feel it when they inserted the needle. After 2nd numbing, it finally worked. My legs were tingling and then I couldn’t feel anything at all. My arms were falling asleep as well.

The next hour I couldn’t feel anything except some pushing and bumping. I decided to just relax and fall asleep. The next thing I know they removed the curtain and said “we’re done.” and Dr Gray said it looks much better than my previous one. Phew!

I was rolled into the recovery room and then the Labor and Delivery room to get the anesthesia wear off. Wiggling toes, twitching knees and then I felt the ache from the surgery. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

The decision to stay at a hotel turned out to be the best idea because it was still tender as the car moves and turns. I had some brownish red bleeding that night until morning and several on/off bleeding throughout the weekend. By 2nd day I no longer felt achy, but I know I shouldn’t put any pressure on the cervix so I stayed in bed.

Overall the shirodkar cerclage experience was not bad or painful. I’m crossing my fingers that it can keep Bebe in until full term this time.

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