10 Weeks

Aug 05 2012

Today marks the 10 weeks gestation age.

Up till yesterday, I was still puking my guts out. Chipotle turned into chipoblergh as I threw up about a third of the burrito. The nausea has pretty much gone even though I just realized it yesterday during acupuncture session.

All of the sudden, today, it was a breeze. No nausea, no puking, nothing. I still have other symptoms, but couldn’t help worrying a bit if Bebe is okay.

I felt something tiny moved, or glide, or whatever you call it. It’s not gas. It’s more like if you have a bump inside and that bump moved. I wonder if it’s Bebe moving?

My next appointment is on Wednesday, so I’m just gonna try to think positive and calm down. Tomorrow is biometric day. Not looking forward to it. I hate blood draw. It always bruises my arms 🙁

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