First Ultrasound

Feb 09 2015

Today is my son’s 2nd birthday and also my first ultrasound for this surprise pregnancy. I have been having some spotting in the past 2 weeks. It started Friday, 2 weeks ago and lasted 3 days. Then another one last Friday, also lasted 3 days. I won’t lie, even though almost all article I read said it’s normal, it got me rather worried. I had spotting with Raistlin, yet he managed to stick around, so I’m hoping this one will be the same as well.

From LMP, I should be around 6w 3d, and I should be able to see heartbeat flickering on the screen. However, I decided to go with low expectation and sure glad I did. Went in and got my weight and BP checked. My BP is at all time high: 127/73. WTH? I guess being over 40 really does make a difference in BP. That sucks! Then they ushered me to the ultrasound room, where I remember seeing Kyle’s heartbeat for the first time. Doctor came and we chatted a bit before it’s time for the transvaginal ultrasound.

Immediately we saw the amniotic sac and the transparent yolk sac, so embryo is there. He only found 1 sac and it’s inside the uterus. No twin and no ectopic pregnancy, thank goodness! However, no heartbeat was found. Even though I was setting a low expectation, I couldn’t help but feeling disappointed and my mind started racing: do I really still have all the pregnancy symptoms? Did I have cramping last Friday? All the negative thinking started flooding my mind – somebody, help close the flood gate!

Dr. Foust gave me the possibility that I could be a couple of days or a week early from being able to see it. So he ordered an HCG blood test and scheduled for another ultrasound next week. Next week I should be around 7 weeks so the verdict should be more concrete: no heartbeat = bust.

I’m trying to stay positive and optimistic, but deep inside, the realist/pessimist me told me to prepare for Aunt Flow’s return…

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