Acupuncture Session 8

Jun 11 2012

Friday was my 8th acupuncture session. My acupuncturist asked me to fill the same questionnaire form that I filled on my first visit to track my progress. At first I didn’t think I progress much, but when she compared both forms, it was clear that there are some improvements.

I actually ovulated on day 14-16 this cycle. The signs were clear, well the typical signs: cervical mucus, estrogen ferning and LH surge. The question is really whether or not my uterus is friendly to the sperm and hospitalized enough for the egg to implant.


I’m sure the problem in the last cycle was because it didn’t implant properly, but not sure how to change that. I’ll see if being a vegetarian this 2WW and no sugar and wheat will help this time.

The waiting game part 2 (post ovulation) has begun…

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