My Heart Sank and Broken

May 27 2012

No matter how much I prepared myself for the worst, my heart still sank when I saw my BBT this morning. It dropped from 97.6 to 97.05, almost to my cover line.

In top of that, I had spotting when I wiped with TP. All signs point to the coming of AF. It’s not here yet and I still have all other symptoms, my back is especially hurting around the pelvic area. However, AF always come as soon as the temp plummeted.

Sigh…another unfruitful month… 🙁


It’s confirmed that AF has arrived in the afternoon. I’m so depressed and getting really tired of disappointment one after another and I just don’t feel like I can discuss this with anybody without sounding like self pity. And that just makes me really hate myself for feeling that way and being a complete failure.

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