Recent Development

May 30 2013

It’s been a while since I wrote on this blog. Actually it’s been a very long time. Apparently my last blog entry was when Kyle was 25 weeks gestational age. Oh boy!

Just to quickly summarize what happen afterwards: Nothing bad happened and everything went on smoothly!

Wednesday, February 6:
Went and check for Kyle’s lung maturity at 36 weeks – no go. He wanted to stay inside a bit longer. Asked the doctor to delay the delivery until mid 37 week. No go. They were concerned because apparently I already started having teeny contractions that I wasn’t aware of or feeling them. So they decided to give me two steroid shots and scheduled my C-Section two days later. The steroid shots were not really needed since he was well over the high risk for premature baby, but just in case. I like that my doctors are being proactive.

Saturday, February 9:
Nothing happened on Thursday and Friday aside from the shots on the buttock. So phew…! On Saturday we went to Presbyterian St. Luke to check in at the Labor & Delivery. Nurses and the anesthesiologist started prepping me by putting the IV line. I love, love, love the anesthesiologist. He gave me a local anesthesia for my left hand so it wouldn’t hurt me when he inserted the IV. Bless him!

Around 4 pm they wheeled me to the OR and the action began! The room was cold and I forgot to ask for a warm towel to cover my chest because of the excitement. They administered the anesthesia on my spine and my legs started to get numb really quick after that. I am thankful that my body is pretty responsive to anesthesia. They then raised the curtain but I could still see some from the reflection of the surgery overhead light above me. Hmmm…

And it started…

The Doc checked my numbness and when I confirmed I didn’t feel anything the procedure began by summarizing my condition and briefed all the procedures to the doctors and nurses in the room. Next thing I smelled something burnt – Turned out they are doing the incision with laser cut equipment. It took a couple of minutes to get through layers of muscles and the uterine wall. Then my Doctor gave a warning and I saw my water bursted out, splashing the staff. After a couple tugging, I saw my little boy (from the reflection of the overhead light) all grey and slimy. I pulled Kirk’s hand and said “He’s out! He’s out!”

Seconds later, he started crying loud and clear. I felt so relieved. They took him to the warmer and assisted Kirk to see him for the first time. They performed the APGAR score and Kyle passed both tests in flying colors: 8 and 9! After they cleaned, weighed, measured his head and limbs, and swaddled him with warm blanket, I was able to see and touch him briefly before they took him to the nursery.

About 30 minutes later they finally finished stitching me up and took me to the recovery room where they monitored my vitals. I lost track of the time, but I was so delighted when Kirk opened the door and the nurse wheeled in the basinet and handed Kyle to me for skin-to-skin moment that I couldn’t do in the OR. He was so tiny and I fell in love with him instantly đŸ™‚

To be continued in Part 2…

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