A Little Choked

Jun 09 2011

Last weekend Kirk and I went to see X-Men the movie. I was fine and all of the sudden I felt the sadness came out of nowhere as soon as the preview for the upcoming Transformers movie was played. I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down on my cheeks, thinking how Raistlin would like the Transformers just like his dad. I miss him so very, very much and the feeling gets stronger as his supposed to be due date, June 24th is approaching.

It’s true what people are saying, that even though the wound has healed, there’s always a spot that is never closed and never will be. It’s not something that can be filled either, even if we have another children. Can’t wait for the day when Kirk is strong enough so we can go to the tree farm and pick a tree for him. It will give me the feeling that I’m close to him and he’s close to us every day.

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